Te tree essential oil with antiseptic action, acts against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Prevents and eliminates lice.
Te 20 Ml Botanica Tree Oil
Te tree essential oil with antiseptic action, acts against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Prevents and eliminates lice.
Tea tree oil is obtained by distillation of Malaleuca alternifolia leaves that is native to Australia. This has been used by its Aborigines hundreds of years ago because of its numerous properties, hence it was called "The Australian Curalotodo".
This essential oil has a triple antiseptic effect: It acts against bacteria, fungi and viruses, being also an excellent healer. In addition, like all essential oils it has great penetration power.
- Useful for removal of unsightly warts, thus avoiding surgery in many cases.
- Its application in hair helps regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, also helping to fight the fungus that causes dandruff by its fungicide action.
- Recovery after hair removal, as it promotes skin recovery and greatly decreases the risk of pore infection. It also relieves stinging.
- Excellent remedy for pediculosis, after washing with an ideal shampoo.
- Its application is of special interest for body hygiene in people who come to gyms, swimming pools, etc. since it prevents them from contagion of fungi such as athlete's foot, typical in athletes.
- In cosmetics it has a powerful regenerative action
- It is highly recommended in the daily cleansing of acne skin, this reduces the formation of grains, accelerates their healing and decreases the risk of scarring.
How to use:
A few drops should be applied once or twice a day always with dry and clean skin, leaving it to act until completely absorbed.