Manosar 30 Envelopes
The initial step that determines pathogenesis in urinary tract infections involves the adhesion of the pathogenic microorganism to the urothelium.
Manosar interferes with the adhesion of E. coli to the urothelium, blocking Fim H of type 1 fimbrias and Pap G of type P fimbrias
80% of E. coli infections are caused by D-Manosa-sensitive strains.
It also contains vitamins A, C and E and Zinc, which help strengthen the system
- Prolongs the effect of antibiotherapy:
1 envelope/day for 30 days
- Increases protection: prevents recurrent cystitis 1 on/day for 30 days, a minimum of 3 months and postcoital cystitis 1 envelope after intercourse
- Increases protection in periods of increased sensitivity: 1 over/day during the risk period