Broad spectrum antiseptic, antibacterial (bactericidal), antifungal (fungicide), antiviral, antiprotozoary, sporicide. It is a molecular complex of povidone iodo. The complex, as such, lacks activity until the iodo is released, true responsible for the antiseptic action. Dilution increases the iodo release process. The iodo acts by means of oxide-reduction reactions, altering many biologically important molecules, such as glucose, starch, glycols, lipids, proteins, etc. In this process the iodo is transformed into iodide, which is biologically inactive. Iodo has a very broad antimicrobial spectrum. Resistant microbial strains have not been detected.
- [IODUROS ALLERGY].- Do not use compounds containing mercurial derivatives.- The iodo loses activity in the presence of organic matter.
Animal safety: no data available.
Human safety:In a recent study, use in low birth weight children caused neonatal hypothyroidism.
Women who were treated with vaginal showers of povidone iodted for 14 days did not develop hypothyroidism. However, there is a significant increase in serum iodo and excreted urine. It should be used with caution during pregnancy.
Effects on fertility :no specific human studies have been conducted.
- Dermal solution, ointment, gel: Antiseptic and disinfectant of general purpose skin, small wounds and superficial cuts, [BURNS] mild, [ESCARAS]. In the hospital field such as antiseptic of the operating field, puncture areas, wounds, burns and surgical matter.- Scrub: disinfectant washing of the hands and skin.- Shampoo: disinfectant washing of the hairy areas of the body.
Depending on the indication can be used pure or diluted.- Dermal solution: after washing and drying, apply directly to the affected area.- Gel: after washing and drying, apply directly to the affected surface, 1-3 times/day. After application, it is advisable to cover the area with gauze.- Scrub: use a small amount of product by rubbing about 2-5 min until foaming. Rinse with plenty of water or with a sterile gauze soaked in water.- Shampoo: apply directly to the affected area. On scalp perform 2 successive applicings, after rinsing the head with hot water. In the second application fry until foaming and leave to act about 5 min. Rinse with plenty of water.
- Thyroid function tests should be performed in case of prolonged treatments.- Avoid contact with eyes, ears and mucous membranes.- Organic matter (proteins, blood, etc.) decreases its activity.- It is inactivated by sodium thiosulphate: possible antidote in case of poisoning.
Rarely, local irritation and hypersensitivity disturbances. The application of iodid povidone on extensive wounds can produce adverse systemic effects such as metabolic acidosis, hypernatremia and alterations in renal function.
- Symptoms: Local: skin irritation. Treatment: Local: wash the injured area with plenty of water and apply locally anti-inflammatory drugs, including corticosteroids. Accidental ingestion of large amounts: symptomatic and supportive treatment, monitoring acid-base balance and renal and thyroid functions.