Stimulating laxative effect by the fergula and sen.
These anthraquinonic heterosites increase intestinal motility, resulting in an increase in the elimination of water and electrolytes. The laxative effect manifests at 8-12 hours after administration.
Keep in a cool, dry place, away from a heat source.
- Hypersensitivity to any component of the product.
- Situations in which gastrointestinal transit is difficult or impeded, such as intestinal obstruction, which could be aggravated.
This product may mask a more severe picture if used in case of abdominal pain of unknown origin without accurate diagnosis.
Per daily shot:
Rhamnus frangula (frigula, bark) 525 mg
Cassia angustifolia (sen, leaves) 450 mg
Mentha x piperite (mint, leaves) 210 mg
Hibiscus sabdariffa (hibiscus, flowers) 120 mg
Camellia sinensis (black tea, leaves) 75 mg
Solidago virgaurea (golden rod, flowering sums) 75 mg
Levisticum officinale (levistic, root) 45 mg
In infusion a saget with boiling water. Leave in infusion for 10 minutes in a covered cup and then sweeten according to taste. It is recommended to take one infusion a day.
Before starting treatment with stimulant laxatives, the patient must be properly hydrated and their electrolyte levels should be normal. Treatment should never be initiated if the patient has a significant decrease in the levels of these electrolytes, as the deficiency could be aggravated.
This product should not be used by patients with intestinal obstructions or inflammatory bowel diseases.
- Continued use may cause habituation.
- The use of this product is not recommended for a period of more than 1 to 2 weeks because it can cause dependence and habituation, and enhance constipation as it causes loss of potassium and can cause intestinal atonia.
- If, after this period of time, constipation does not improve, persists or worsens, the doctor or pharmacist should be consulted.
- Your doctor should be told if bloody stools appear.
- It is recommended to take this product at night, and if necessary a second dose, first thing in the morning.
- It is recommended that elderly patients start with half the dose of adults.
This product should not be used in children under 2 years of age without an accurate diagnosis as it could mask a more severe picture.
Laxatives should usually also be used with caution in children under 12 years of age. An appropriate diagnosis should be made before using this product to avoid complications of an existing disease, such as appendicitis, or the occurrence of more serious side effects.
This product may be taken by a person who is celiac, allergic/intolerant to the egg, or intolerant to milk.