Daflon is a venotonic medicine: it increases the tone of the veins and the resistance of the capillaries (small blood vessels). Daflon is indicated, in adults, for the relief of symptoms related to mild venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, such as pain, feeling heaviness, tightness, tingling and itching in legs with varicose veins or swollen legs. You should consult a doctor if it gets worse or does not improveafter2 weeks of treatment.
Maria Ana M. published the 21/12/2023 following an order made on 10/12/2023
Mejoran la circulación de la sangre con un tratamiento continuado.
Anonymous customer published the 23/06/2023 following an order made on 19/06/2023
Recomendado por médico
Anonymous customer published the 22/06/2022 following an order made on 17/06/2022
Me van muy bien