Food supplement based on plant extracts that help relax in situations of nervousness and promote conciliation and quality of sleep.
Bayer Serenia 30 Capsules
Food supplement based on plant extracts that help relax in situations of nervousness and promote conciliation and quality of sleep.
Serenia is a specific combination of California poppy, Valerian and Pasiflora that has a complementary and synergistic effect.
Its specific formula of complementary and synergistic action makes Serenia a natural solution to recover serenity and well-being both day and night.
DAY: exerts a relaxing effect and promotes daytime well-being in situations of neviosism.
NIGHT: Promotes and improves reconciliation, deepening and quality of sleep.
CALIFORNIA AMAPOLA (Eschscholtzia californica cham.) 100 mg. Titled in protopine 0.20 – 0.24%
It helps calm nervousness and stress, further improving sleep quality and reconciliation.
It is especially recommended for sleep disorders linked to early awakenings.
PASIFLORA (Pasifl ora incarnata L.) 50 mg. Certified in isovitexine 1 – 1.2%
It promotes sleep reconciliation, prolonging the phases of deep sleep, providing a restful and quality sleep.
Pasiflora improves sleep quality by progressively restoring it.
VALERIANA (Valeriana offi cinalis L.) 50 mg. Certified in valerenic acid 0.1%
Traditionally used for its mild and relaxing sedative effect.
It helps calm nervousness and stress, and facilitates sleep reconciliation.
Its calming action makes it indicated in states of nervousness, stress and anxiety.